Metal Allegiance reunited for their 10th anniversary show at the House of Blues Anaheim. The rotating cast consisted of the core four: David Ellefson, Mark Menghi, Mike Portnoy, and Alex Skolnick, and featured Chuck Billy, Bobby Blitz, John Bush, Doc Coyle, Brann Dailor, Gary Holt, Andreas Kisser, Chris Poland, Hel Pyre, Troy Sanders…the list goes on. Openers Dieth, Held Hostage, and QUOR performed a blend of thrash, rock, and heavy metal—no better way to start the night if you ask me.
Metal Allegiance’s set included a mix of original songs and classic covers, beginning with “The Accuser” featuring John Bush of Armored Saint and concluding with three encore covers: Metallica’s “Damage Inc.,” Motorhead’s “Damage Case,” and Iron Maiden’s “Iron Maiden.” If you grew up on metal concerts like I did, you understand the camaraderie felt by simply being in the pit. There is a sense of connection that bonds the herd and allows for equal parts rage and unity. The floor count grew with each cycle of musicians before hosting a crowd-surfing fury filled with metalheads alike.
Metal Allegiance performances celebrate the genre as whole. Join, and you will be taken on a journey that pays homage to the roots of metal. It is now time to pledge your allegiance.
All photos by Brandy Hornback.