Madonna Sued By Fans Over Delayed Concert Start Time

Following a recent concert that took place in New York City, Madonna is being sued by angry fans. According to Billboard, the singer is being sued because she allegedly started the concert later than scheduled, which upset fans to a great extent. 

The source mentions the response of lawyers that the ticket buyers contacted in which they describe how fans were “left stranded in the middle of the night,” due to the 2 hour waiting period. That is, fans enthusiastically waited for the date in which they got to see Madonna perform, only to wait even longer once the day had actually come. Billboard describes how fans argue for the lawsuit due to the alleged legal harm it caused ticket buyers who had to get up early the next day and attend their jobs. 

To make matters worse for the iconic singer, the source mentions a statement made by attorneys for Fellows and Hadden in which they write how Madonna has a pattern of arriving and starting her shows late. In this case, it can certainly justify the anger that the ticket-buyers are experiencing, but it could also question their certainty that it wouldn’t happen if it’s been a pattern in the past. Nevertheless, this story is truly important because it highlights how even with all the fame, money, success and popularity, no one and nothing is more valuable than time. Time is an asset possessed by everyone and should always be taken with consideration, because it is not infinite. 

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