Dinosaur Jr. Joined By Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser & Modest Mouse’s Isaac Brock For Performances Of “Feel The Pain,” “Watch The Corners” & “Freak Scene”

According to Stereogum, in celebration of Dinosaur Jr. ‘s 30 years of Where You Been, the American rock band brought out the Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser and Modest Mouse’s Isaac Brock, for live performance of three songs. Leithauser joined the Friday night performance for their hit, “Feel The Pain” that was included in their 1994 album Without A Sound. On the other hand, Stereogum details that Brock’s invitation was to perform “Watch the Corners” that was originally released in 2012. 

As Leithauser and Brock joined Dinosaur Jr. for live performances of three songs, it evidently showcases all of the artists undeniably talent. The mix of different creativity and musical inclinations set the stage for an enthusiastic and engaging audience. 

In the videos included, it is clear to note the audiences’ energetic presence as they are actively recording the performers and expressing a comfortable and excited body language. For instance, the audience members are clapping at the performers and also jumping up and down to match the energetic vibe of the performers. The performers are undeniably creating an energetic and upbeat atmosphere as they perform in a way that reveals passion for rock music and their overall work. The variety of instrumentation also emphasizes the uniqueness and likeability of rock music, as well as fans’ appreciation for it. As seen in some videos, the performances included instrumentation such as electric guitar, bass and drum kit. The addition of vocals was also key in creating an enjoyable performance that captures the bands’ chemistry with the artists, as well as the abundance of talent.

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat

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