Maneskin Shares Compelling New Video For “Valentine”

As noted in NME, Italian rock band Maneskin has released a powerful and influential new single, “Valentine.” Without a doubt, the single incorporates powerful instrumentation and lyrics that instantly gravitate fans to listen to the song and engage with it in a deeper manner. 

Some of the instruments that are easily detected are the guitar and drums which work together to create a touching and attractive song. Past the instruments, the vocals in the single emphasize the message of the song with its emotion-driven style and lyrics. As one can hear through some lyrics such as “misunderstood.. baby it’s harder to breathe when you’re gone”, it is evident that the band is creating a song that represents the pain of letting someone go. The low-pitch vocals and powerful extensive notes provoke melancholy sensations that are a true representation of letting people go and experiencing heartbreak that many people can relate to. 

Along with the single, the band strategically released a dramatic video that continues to unfold the effects of letting go, heartbreak, and detachment. The entirety of the music video is black and white which creates a depressing and painful mood. The facial expression of the vocalists also contributes to the powerful message of the song as he holds the microphone with a tight grip and showcases facial expressions of pain and torment. The passion in which the band members plays their instruments throughout the video is contagious to the audience, as they are able to not only enjoy the single but also understand the message at a deeper level.

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