Grimes Shares New Single “Nothing Lasts Forever” With Producer Sevdaliza

Photo: Owen Ela

According to Stereogum, Grimes shares a new single “Nothing Lasts Forever” with Iranian-born, Rotterdam-based singer and producer Sevdaliza. Sevdaliza and Grimes collaborate on the latest single “Nothing Lasts Forever” on Twisted Elegance. The track features a hazy, pulsing rave instrumental that serves as a backdrop for the two distinct vocal styles. Grimes opts for a whispery, cooing delivery while Sevdaliza delivers a full-throated howl that creates a dramatic contrast. The beat is hard-hitting and emphasizes the song’s energy. The most poignant moment of the song comes when Sevdaliza belts out that she will continue to rave for eternity. 

Sevdaliza and Grimes’ collaboration on the song “Nothing Lasts Forever” delves into themes of love, transience, and the ephemeral nature of youth. The lyrics convey a sense of necessity, urging listeners to seize the moment before it disappears. Sevdaliza’s contribution to the song offers a new perspective on its theme. Her verse implies that even if one’s dreams have been broken or lost, there is still a part of them that yearns to continue dreaming and believing. This message can be interpreted as a symbol of perseverance and determination to not be overcome by obstacles. “Nothing Lasts Forever” beautifully encapsulates the poignant nature of love and the yearning to cling to moments of happiness amidst the certainty of change and transience. 

Grimes has previously written a song “I Wanna Be Software.” She is known for her nonconformist approach to technology, expressing her support for the AI digital revolution on multiple occasions. However, it is through her most recent single that we gain a deeper understanding of her admiration for computer programs. 

Caroline Carvalho: Hello, my name is Caroline Carvalho. I am currently studying at Montclair State University. I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts (Formerly Fine Arts) and receiving a Makeup Artistry Certificate.
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