Album Review: Genesis Owusu – STRUGGLER


Eyedress, meet Genesis Owusu

With the end of summer, chilly days and the draw of winter brings Genesis Owusu’s album STRUGGLER. The compilation of mumbling lyrics and groovy, gothic beats throughout the album make it seem like a soundtrack from a modern day slasher film. Even though such cult classic films were brought to audiences beginning in the late ‘70s, Owusu’s upbeat heavy synth and percussion usage brings a mischievous modern twist to the deep toned lyrics throughout the album. Overall, Owusu has delivered a balanced, deep bodied album just in time for these moody fall days. 

As the summer days fade into memory and the crisp chill of winter begins to envelop us, Owusu’s latest offering, STRUGGLER, emerges like a dark, enigmatic presence on the musical horizon. The album, with its compelling fusion of cryptic lyrical musings and hauntingly groovy, deep synth beats conjures an auditory experience reminiscent of a contemporary slasher film. Owusu’s distinctive approach marries an upbeat heavy synth and percussive mastery, infusing a mischievous modernity into the deep, shadowy narratives woven throughout the album.

Just as a horror classic teases its audience with moments of eerie anticipation, Owusu surprises listeners with a romantic, high-pitched track intertwined with the gentle cadence of rhythmic jazz. This divergence from the dark, brooding tones of the rest of the album showcases Owusu’s versatility as an artist, providing a brief respite from the prevailing darkness and adding a layer of complexity to the overall composition.

The album culminates with a mesmerizing tapestry of sounds that interweave the soft, melodic notes of a piano, the playful chatter of children in the background and an effervescent beat that all coalesce into an audacious, experimental fusion of futuristic and vintage melodies. This final composition encapsulates the album’s artful juxtaposition of the past and the future, leaving the listener with a profound sense of musical innovation and a lingering sense of wonder, ensuring that Struggler lingers in the mind long after the last note has faded into the ether.

STRUGGLER is a meticulously balanced, deep-bodied opus perfectly timed to accompany us through the moody days of fall. It’s an album that captures the essence of the changing seasons, providing a sonic backdrop for introspection, intrigue and a dash of modern romanticism as we venture into the colder months ahead.

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