Megadeth’s frontman, Dave Mustaine stopped the show because there was a security guard allegedly hitting a fan. Mustaine stopped the show and wouldn’t begin again until the security guards had been escorted out of the facility.
According to consiquence.net, “As the band was playing the classic ‘Symphony of Destruction’ toward the end of the set, Mustaine stopped the song to address the guards, shouting, ‘Dudes, don’t be fucking hitting people. That is totally uncool. Hey, fuckin’ stop hitting that guy.’ The metal legend then ran over to where the skirmish was happening, and pointed out the security guards who were involved in the incident, appearing to scold them, as well. He then returned to the mic, declaring, ‘I’m not gonna play anymore until those guys are escorted out of the building, so just hang on a second. That was so fuckin’ unnecessary. That was so fuckin’ unnecessary, you guys. … What’s on the back of your shirt? ‘Safety?’ It should say, ‘No Fuckin Safety,’ because you guys are punks, and you shouldn’t have fuckin’ hit that guy. Four of you on one guy. What a bunch of p**sies… Get ’em out of here or I’m leaving. I don’t wanna fucking hear that they’re in the back. I want them out of here.’”
An interesting turn of events for the concert that Megadeth was playing. It is great to see artist looking out for their fans and making sure that the building stays safe. Props to Megadeth for expecting more from the authorities at their concerts!