Ghost Light The Independent 12/15

Country Rock guys say hello to San Francisco!


   These guys are known for their….Honestly I have no idea why anyone cares about them. Sorry! I didn’t come here to tell you about a band you already know full well of or else you would not have clicked on this link to my article! Be real with yourself for a second. You just want to either read this article to waste your time (not mine) or you just clicked so you can get the juicy details on how and when to get to the show. Now here are some semi-obligatory links to waste more of your time (again not mine) and to help with the fully obligatory word count quota that I am ordered to fulfill by my editors. Here is Ghost Light’s official Spotify! Here is Ghost Light’s official website! Here is Ghost Light’s merchandising! Here is Ghost Light’s Wikipedia! Here is Ghost Light’s official YouTube! Here is Ghost Light’s official Twitter! Here is link to what happens when you type in the band name on Bing! How else can I put down more words in this article so we can both get on with our lives? Are you enjoying my article? Good, I don’t really care. Who are you anyway? Never heard of you before.


   Ghost Light is playing at The Independent. That’s a venue in San Francisco if you didn’t know. It’s located in a nice neighborhood and I think on their website they say that they like it when people explore around the whole street before heading in the show. You can tell they are enthusiastic. Here is the venue’s official website. They have their own merch store so be careful how you spend your money because I can see you spending money left and right on the night of the show… Speaking of spending money, have you got all your Christmas gifts in order? No? You lazy bum. Oh, what’s that you say? You don’t celebrate? Oh wow you’re so cool and edgy! (sike) Geez! Get over yourself. 


Well I’m about done here!


  • 628 Divisadero st, San Francisco 
  • Tickets here at
  • $20 a pop
  • Doors 730p and show starts 8p
  • Ages 21+




Christopher Aguilar: I am doing something with my life....
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