Madonna Claims to Have Tested Positive for Coronavirus Antibodies and Is “Going to Breathe In The COVID-19 Air”

In Madonna’s “Quarantine Diaries” Instagram video series, the pop icon revealed she has tested positive for coronavirus antibodies and will be “going for long drive with the windows rolled down to breathe in the COVID-19 air.” Despite testing positive, the World Health Organization has issued warnings that this does not mean a person is safe from infection.

WHO went on to say in their report that antibody tests are unreliable and there is no evidence that those who have recovered from the coronavirus are safe from reinfection. They also warn that tests will need to differentiate antibodies between COVID-19 and other SARS infections, including the common cold.

The Food and Drug Administration is currently dealing with a flood of inaccurate tests caused by manufacturers not bringing their tests for agency review. The FDA had waived the need for tests to be reviewed so they could be available to the public sooner, however many of the tests currently available are giving false positives.

Madonna sits as she types her diary on a typewriter as she explains the paper had caught on fire, presumably from one of the numerous candles on her desk. She describes her attempts to avoid fighting with those she is stuck in quarantine with. She speaks in poetry as she writes her thoughts on all that has been going on while jazz plays softly in the background.

While many are stuck inside, health experts have recommended stepping outside for some fresh air, as there are health benefits to doing so. They suggest to go on walks at hours less people will be outside, such as early in the morning or late at night, to sit on a porch or in the backyard, or to open windows inside. However, social distancing guidelines are recommended whenever one steps outside of their own home and masks remain necessary when going to crowded places such as the grocery store.

Ariel King: Ariel King resides in her hometown of Oakland, CA, where she grew up within its arts-centered community. She attended Oakland School for the Arts with a focus in creative writing and received her Bachelor's in Journalism from San Diego State University. She also studied History, centering on the psychedelic movement of the 1960s, while in college. Ariel is currently the newswire editor for mxdwn music.
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