Axl Rose Issues Statement Condemning Continued Use of Guns ‘N Roses Songs at Trump Rallies

0There are plenty of artists who aren’t too happy about President Donald Trump using their music to pump up the crowds at his unprecedented non-election cycle rallies, including Pharrell (who actually took the step of threatening lawsuit), the estate of the late Prince, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and many others. You can now add Guns ‘n Roses to that list, as Axl Rose has commented on the issue via Twitter.

Of course, just a quick glance at Rose’s Twitter feed should make this development unsurprising. He’s quite politically active on the social networking site, particularly in the run-up to the midterm elections yesterday. Plus, we already knew he didn’t care for Trump after he lashed out at the First Lady Melania Trump on Twitter, stating “Some alleged former hooker who got in on some “trumped up” immigration con somehow deserves privacy cuz it “means so much to her?” Fuck this clown!!” in a since-deleted Tweet.

The seemingly never-ending Trump campaign has been hosting rallies across the reddest parts of the country throughout the 45th president’s first term. However, they’ve struggled to find artists who are okay with them using their music at these rallies — it seems to be almost daily that an artist complains about having their music used at these events.

Even more embarrassing for the current administration is how they were forced to desperately scrape the bottom of the barrel for anyone to perform at his inauguration — landing on the not-very-relevant rock band Three Doors Down, currently best known for their ex-bassist Todd Harrell who was sentenced to prison for 10 years on a gun charge (after multiple DIUs including one incident in which he crashed his vehicle and killed a man, receiving a vehicular manslaughter charge) but formerly known for one massive rock radio smash hit “Kryptonite.”

Matt Matasci: Music Editor at - | I have written and edited for mxdwn since 2015, the same year I began my music journalism career. Previously (and currently) a freelance copywriter, I graduated with a degree in Communications from California Lutheran University in 2008. Born on the Central Coast of California, I am currently a few hundred miles south along the 101 in the Los Angeles area.
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