Ken Andrews Updates Progress On Upcoming Album From Failure

Failure frontman/guitarist Ken Andrews, who’s recently featured in “Between the Noise and You” by Mossbreaker, spoke about the upcoming new album as he appeared on “2 Hours With Matt Pinfield”. This upcoming album would be the band’s first since their release of The Heart Is A Monster in 2015.

In the podcast, the artist talks about the band’s formation, breakup, decision to reunite, hiatus and its continued work. Andrews said when he had a talk with Greg Edwards, he didn’t want the band to do only tours of old songs, rather he wanted to continue right where they left off with The Heart Is A Monster. He wanted to make new songs, which after getting back together, Edwards and Andrews wrote four songs in Andrew’s studio.

According to THEPRP, in regards to the album, Andrews said “It’s coming along really cool. It’s very organic. We’re kind of doing it the way we did on The Heart Is A Monster. Right now we’re just kind of roughing things out in my studio. And then we go into a nicer, drum studio and get Kelli on there…”

The artist continues saying that like The Heart Is A Monster, they might speed up the process with this new album into a bigger studio. Andrew says that the album will be released sometime next year with the thought of releasing the album in stages. There may be a possibility of having the first couple of stages available digitally and the last stage physically.

Sudipti Khatry: Sunday Music Writer at || I have written for Sundays since the summer of 2016. A student in high school, with a goal to major in Broadcast and Multimedia Journalism, and Graphic Design.
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