KMFDM – Hell Yeah

KMFDM Hell YeahKMFDM Hell Yeah
A high energy industrial dance hit

Hell Yeah, the latest project from industrial dance group KMFDM, is a rhythmic album that fans are sure to enjoy. The album has a high energy sound with almost all of the songs being upbeat and danceable while also featuring influences from industrial rock, blending the uses of electronic dance instrumentation and the use of electric guitars. The album is also at a comfortable length with most of the tracks clocking in at over four minutes long.

Hell Yeah starts off strong immediately with the first track entitled, “Hell Yeah.” The song sets the stage for the rest of the album, featuring the rhythmic sound as well as heavy use of synthesizers and electric guitars. The song is a lot of fun to listen to and was an excellent choice to set the stage for the rest of the album.

The second track on Hell Yeah maintains the fast paced dance vibe yet makes greater use of traditional electronic instrumentals. The rock influences are absent on this track, yet it still maintains a high energy aggressive sound.

The overall vibe of high energy industrial dance music is carried out extremely well on the album. KMFDM truly captures and exemplifies the industrial sound and none of the tracks on the album feel out of place. This contributes to the cohesive feel of the entire album.

One true highlight of the album is “Murder My Heart,” which truly shines in terms of the vocals on the song. The vocals are layered nicely over the industrial instrumentation creating an absolutely beautiful sound.

This can also be heard on another highlight of the album, “Shock.” This track features less of the high energy feel that is present on the rest of the album, but it does maintain the danceable, rhythmic feel. Once again on this song the vocals are layered upon a beautiful electronic soundscape that create an amazing sound. “Shock” is definitely one of the albums best songs.

Hell Yeah’s high energy and rhythmic feel make this an amazing and fun album to listen to, especially for fans of industrial music. The fluidity and cohesive sound that ties the tracks together creates an awesome experience for listeners.

Will Burton: I am a current graduate student at SNHU, where I study English and Creative Writing. During my undergraduate years I was a radio station DJ at WQFS and I also wrote for the school newspaper The Guilfordian. I am a huge music buff and I love listening to and talking about music. I don't really have a favorite genre or preference, I just love music. My other interests include reading, writing, DJing, and I am also an anime fan.
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