She Shreds Magazine is the world’s only print publication dedicated to women guitarists and bassists, and they will be having a SXSW party on the eastside this year! She Shreds works to change the way women guitarists and bassists are depicted and presented in the music industry and popular culture by creating a platform where people can listen, see and experience what it means to be a woman who shreds. Their lineup has some amazing bands including Diet Cig, Madame Gandhi, Aye Nako and more! Get the RSVP link below.
Tuesday, March 14, 12PM-9PM, Las Cruxes, 913 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78702
Aye Nako
Chastity Belt
Diet Cig
Dude York
Ian Sweet
Jay Som
Las Kellies
Sad 13
Lisa Prank
Madame Gandhi
Thelma and the Sleaze
Y la Bamba
++++++++ more TBA