Founding Doomtree MC Sims has released a video for “What They Don’t Know”, which featured on new album More Than Ever.
The video traces the journey of a suburban Christian missionary, an angry pedestrian, a karate-enthused business man, and a cat-food wielding lunatic. In each distinctive scene, normal looking people go crazy, breaking and beating up people and objects alike. For example, the missionary hands a Bible to an excited man, then proceeds to smash a car window with a pitchfork. His fellow missionary helps beats the car with a baseball bat.
More Than Ever, released on Nov. 4th, marked Sims third solo LP. He’s released an additional four LP’s. The album received mixed critical reception in comparison to previous Sims and Doomtree projects.
Sims has featured prominently on each Doomtree release, and has contributed guest bars on numerous Doomtree member productions. Collectively, Doomtree has issued three LP’s, and each member has released at least one solo LP through the Doomtree label.