James Hetfield Confirms Kirk Hammett Was Not Involved in the Writing of Hardwired… To Self-Destruct

Photo Credit: Marv Watson

According to The PRP, recently Metallica vocalist/guitarist spoke against guitarist Kirk Hammett’s involvement as being limited for the band’s most recent album Hardwired…To Self Destruct. Prior to this, Hammett had spoke out about losing an iPhone that had hundreds of riff ideas that had played a minor role in his lessened role. After talking with Metalxs.tv James Hetfield shed some light onto the situation.

Hetfield states that Hammett was not part of the writing in which he of course came in and did the solos.

“You know, Lars and I always have done this, but with contributions from other people on their riffs and things. Kirk‘s riffs weren’t there. I know he talks about him losing his phone and things like that with the riffs, but… No, he wasn’t involved in the process…”

He knows that Hammett spoke up about him losing his phone with riffs on it, but he was not involved in the process although Robert Trujillo was there. The intro to ManUNkind is Robert stating “that is him, and it’s beautiful,” but that him and Lars do what they always do, which is put the songs together.

Although Hetfield states that Hammett is not that involved with the writing, he does write the guitar solos for the band.

Photo Credit: Marv Watson

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