Celebrity Choreographer Wade Robson Accuses Michael Jackson’s Companies Of Running Child Sex Ring

Wade Robson, the celebrity choreographer, has filed negligence claims against companies affiliated with the late Michael Jackson. The allegations made by Robson concern MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures, both companies formerly controlled by Jackson. Robson claims that Jackson, along with his associates within the companies, “designed, developed and operated what is likely the most sophisticated public child sexual abuse procurement and facilitation organization the world has known.”

Robson hired attorney Vince Finaldi to assist with the lawsuit. In the latest complaint filed, Finaldi writes that Jackson’s companies served “dual purposes.” The multimedia entertainment service was a cover-up for something sinister. “The thinly-veiled, covert second purpose of these businesses was to operate as a child sexual abuse operation, specifically designed to locate, attract, lure and seduce child sexual abuse victims.”

The complaints are amendments to the 2013 lawsuit Robson filed against MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures. Robson’s latest claims are quite graphic, reporting that he was abused by Jackson for nearly decade, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Robson, an Australian native, was five years old when he met Jackson, after winning a “dance-a-like” competition organized by MJJ Productions. Two years later, while the Robson family was on a trip to Disneyland, Jackson arranged for the Robson’s to visit Neverland Ranch, where Jackson allegedly sexually abused Robson for the first time. In the complaint, incidents of abuse are described until Robson was 14 years old, after which Jackson was “no longer as interested in [Robson] sexually.”

In 2012, following a nervous breakdown, Robson entered psychotherapy, where he realized that Jackson had abused him. Robson claims that he loved Jackson like a father, making the reality difficult to come to terms with. Robson has not worked since. He is widely known for his work on the show, “Dancing With the Stars.”

Robson spoke with People magazine after the filing his case in 2013, where he said, “I began to recognize for myself that Jackson had molested me.I first spoke about the sexual activity I had with Jackson. This revelation initiated an enormous emotional, psychological and physiological upheaval in my life that continues until this day.”

The original case was dismissed in 2015. A new trial will begin on 3/17/2017.

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