Theophilus London Livetweets His Arrest In New York

Trinidadian New York singer and rapper Theophilus London was apprehended by police Monday night after an altercation with a taxi cab driver. Apparently London only had $100 bills on him, and he took and broke the driver’s phone when the driver would not split London’s bills. Theophilus then ran into the nearby IFC Center cinema in downtown Manhattan, where police caught and arrested the rapper. However, the story does not end there.

In most cases, when somebody is arrested their phone is confiscated. However, this was not the case for the rapper who not only continued to use his phone, but used it to live tweet his arrest and his time in jail.

“I’m so sexy they allowed me to tweet,” he wrote from behind bars.

The rapper seemed to be having quite a good time in jail, in his $1500 Dior jeans and Melvins.

He proceeded to live tweet his jail experience. “Some dude in my cell just told me if he was a girl he would fuck me,” he wrote. “Shit is getting weird. I asked him if he was gay. He in for grand theft… I low key feel like I’m in a museum. Pee smells. Cig butts, fingerprinted me, and mug shot. I tried not to smile…”

He was released later that night, after which he proceeded to ask his twitter base what t-shirt he should wear: “About to change my clothes jail dirty Bruv. Should I wear my Shawn Michaels tee or H20 mike meyers tee?”

Recently, Theophilus London has been releasing various tracks here and there including “Stay” and “Whiplash.”

Christopher Lee: I am a college student from California. I am a massive fan of most things rock, and especially of all things Car Seat Headrest. Journalism has been a great passion of mine, and I hope that I'll be able to continue to merge my worlds of music and journalism as the years go on.
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