Tom Morello Announces Rock Against the TPP Roadshow Featuring Anti-Flag, Downtown Boys, and More

Rock guitarist and activist, Tom Morello, is looking for everyone’s support against the TPP. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, is an anti-democratic deal with 12 countries. This deal has been negotiated in secrecy by government officials and corporate lobbyists. According to Evan Greer, “The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive, secretive deal that poses a serious threat to human rights, the environment, and your Internet freedom. But one of the biggest problems with it is that too many people still don’t know what it is or why it’s so dangerous.”

If the TPP becomes law, it would be the largest deal in history of its kind. It has been finalized by Congress, but has yet to be approved. If approved, it will threaten internet freedom, access to medicine, food safety, the future of freedom of expression, and a number of other things.

Rock Against the TPP is huge effort to bring awareness to those who aren’t aware of the TPP, and to shine light on how toxic this deal will become. The tour is a partnership between Fight for the Future, which is an internet freedom nonprofit, and Firebrand Records. Firebrand Records  is record label that Tom Morello and Ryan Harvey are using to “release socially conscious music.”

Rock Against the TPP will kick off from July 23-24 in Denver Colorado, and more dates are to be announced. The lineup will include: Evangeline Lilly, Anti-Flag, Jonny 5 and Brer Rabbit of Flobots, Downtown Boys, Ryan Harvey, Evan Greer, Taina Asili, Son of Nun, and Lia Rose.

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