M.I.A. Receives A Demanding Letter From Soccer Team For Misuse Of Their Brand In “Borders” Video

M.I.A. is being asked to take down her video for the song “Borders” by Paris Saint-Germain for wearing a Paris Saint-Germain soccer jersey with their sponsors logo adjusted on it.

M.I.A. shared her video back in November for the song “Borders” in support of refugee equality after the attacks on Paris and the controversy that followed the acceptance of refugees around the world. The politically themed video was an attempt by the singer to promote understanding for refugees and with all things considered be an act of humility. However, in one of the scenes of her video M.I.A. chose to wear Paris Saint-Germain soccer jersey solely for the fact that the jersey had an Eiffel tower on its logo, according to her response on Twitter. The issue came when the singer chose to change the “Fly Emirates” to read “Fly Pirates” on the jersey. Now, according to Pitchfork, PSG have allegedly demanded that M.I.A. remove the video, never use their image and brand again and pay compensation for the damage that she has caused.

In a letter that PSG’s lawyers allegedly wrote to M.I.A. they said, “We had the unpleasant surprise to find that the singer, in this video clip, appears twice wearing the official jersey of our team. More than being surprised, we simply do not understand why we are associated, through our logo and the official jersey of our team’s players, to such denunciation.”

The letter demands that the Paris Saint-Germain soccer team be compensated within 24 hours of the letter’s receipt, which was apparently received on December 21. The letter as well as several tweets made by M.I.A. in response can be seen below.

Ryan Fricke: Music is my therapy, which I could not function without. I am currently finishing my senior year a Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida with a Journalism major and a Creative Writing Minor. I first realized I wanted to become a Music Journalist the minute I learned that I could get paid to do the two things I love most, writing and listening to music. I have yet to decide which I am more infatuated with but for the time being I will happily house them to their stalemate. My plans after graduation are unclear but I hope to further gain experience in this profession.
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