Bassnectar – Into the Sun

Bassheads, Gather Around

Bassnectar has climbed to the top of the bass charts and it is no wonder why. Lorin Ashton has mastery over his craft. There is a certain articulation found in those beats and a lot of intelligence behind the music. Bassnectar’s newest album Into in the Sun is yet another example of both those qualities.

The intro track “Chasing Heaven” sets this album up to be very solid. The beginning has a nice ease that expands into a bigger sound which will compress back down. The transitions between the expansions and compressions are seamless.

The second track, a remix of “No Way” by the Naked and Famous, shows the way Bassnectar is able to handle other artists’ product. Instead of creating a remix that is solely a Bassnectar creation, the integrity of the original song is still accessible and the remix is an enhancement of what is already there.

The album’s namesake is definitely one of the stronger tunes. It is strictly a solo song and the great qualities Bassnectar has are exemplified in it. There is a lot of give and take between the highs and the lows that help it power through.

Along with the newer songs, there’s also a number of remixes from Bassnectar’s earlier days: “Blow,” “Breathing,” “Enter the Chamber,” and “Dubuasca.” These new mixes are enhancements as well; they are harsher and more front and centered than their original counterparts. By going back and listening to the originals, the evolution that Bassnectar has made in a few short years becomes obvious. 

While there is not anything too new or experimental going on in Into the Sun, it does not miss the mark and still has its merits. Every song is solid and has the definite Bassnectar preciseness. This album is enough to tide listeners over for now, but hopefully Bassnectar will push the boundaries a little more next time. 

Megan Huffman: I'm a graduate of Arizona State University with my BA in English. Right now I'm looking forward to continuing my academic career with the English graduate program at New York University. Though I'm strongly passionate about scholarly work, music has always been at my foundation – first listening, then playing, and now writing. When I'm not working on my articles here, I'm working on my poetry and other personal writing and finding homes for them and so far have seen my poetry published in Canyon Voices and Yo-NEWYORK!.
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