Courtney Love Filed Cease And Desist Against Theaters Showing Conspiracy Documentary About Kurt Cobain

The full trailer for Soaked in Bleach, the second Kurt Cobain documentary, was made available last month. The film will essentially target the conspiracy theory that Kurt Cobain was murdered, and it’s no shocker that Courtney Love has become infuriated.

As a result of her acrimony, Ms. Cobain has filed a cease-and-desist letter against movie theaters who have contemplated or considered presenting the documentary. According to Spin, Ms. Cobain’s allegations claim that the film “presents a widely and repeatedly debunked conspiracy theory that accuses Ms. Cobain of orchestrating the death of her husband Kurt Cobain,” and she is entitled to file the letter because “a false accusation of criminal behavior is defamatory per se under California Civil Code Section 45a.”

Cobain’s attempt to stop theaters from even thinking about screening Soaked in Bleach by threat was not effective, though, because the theories conveyed in the documentary are purely based off of facts gathered by the private investigator who was hired by Courtney Love just a week prior to the discovery of her husband’s body.

Hopefully Courtney Love’s direct attacks on theaters for allegedly showing defamatory content will end. Unfortunately, it won’t be enough to eliminate the conspiracy theories. People will continue to talk, and she may have to accept it.

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