This dance floor-ready banger has the potential to satiate the hunger of millions of party goers who need a new chorus to chant while the beat drives them on.

Photo Credit: Pamela Lin
Although we never truly learn what hunger the singer has inside her bones, be it for food, friendship, love or money, the result is still the same: bouncing up and down driven to a mad frenzied dance due to the song’s incessant beat. According to KEXP live review, there were trombones at once of the live performances of the song, where “trombones shook the building like a Christopher Nolan movie soundtrack.”
Although there are no trombones here in the recording, if the song was turned up enough, I don’t doubt it would also shake someone’s building.
There is a nicely done contrast between the dancing and stop-motionesque style of the video with other shots of straight up dancing in a dusty yet weirdly clean warehouse kind of building. There is stillness and motion, there is energy and non-movement. The desire to move seems like it is electrifying the subject in the first pan of her, where you can see her arms shaking from the effort to stay still. This plays into the idea of hunger, and desire and lusting for action, around which the song’s motif actually works.
The newly mixed version of this song will be available on February 10th.
Check out the video below!
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