LISTEN: The Do Release New Song “Trustful Hands”

Olivia Merilhati and Dan Levy are The Do, an on-the-rise electronic group that is on the verge of releasing a new album, and they have just shared a single off of the record on Soundcloud for all to hear. “Trustful Hands” offers up a lot of promise for these two newcomers and cements a new enthusiasm for the debut record.

The D++ 4 (c) Arthur Le FolThe D++ 4 (c) Arthur Le Fol

New groups are always exciting to hear from. In most cases, new groups are unafraid to go all-out on their debut record, laying all the musical cards on the table. In the case of The Do, they have more than laid the cards out: they have strapped an explosive device to the table and blown the table up in a blaze of danceable electronic rhythms. The Do’s debut single, “Trustful Hands,” is at once diverse for its musical style as it is for the influences it appears to emulate. “Trustful Hands” doesn’t have the same rhythms, but it feels like a nod to Nena’s “99 Luftballons” in nearly every other sense. Whether conscious of it or not, The Do seem to want to pay homage to the funky electronic singles that dominated the eighties, and their homage is well presented. Despite having relatively minimal experience under their belts, The Do have assembled a single that makes their presence known and will hopefully act as a strong foundation for their future endeavors.

The Do’s upcoming record, Shake, Shook, Shaken is slated for a January 27th release.

Doug Farrell: Am I a hip old lady that can hip-hop, be-bop, dance 'til you drop, and yo-yo make a wicked hot cup of co-co? No, but I am a struggling twenty-eight year old writer who loves music and writing about music.
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