LISTEN: Myrkur Releases New Demo “Skaoi”

Myrkur has released a new demo for her song “Skaði”. The release of this demo has allowed fans a chance to glimpse into what is to come for Myrkur’s upcoming album due in 2015.

Myrkur debuted her self-titled album September of this year. Her critically acclaimed album received great praise for its unique blend of folk and metal behind a female voice. Myrkur’s one-woman black metal project draws inspiration from her Denmark roots. The Metal Purgator commented on the album saying, “it will hopefully inspire not only more females to take this leap into more extreme metal genres, but inspire more musicians”

“Skaði” opens with heavenly sounding harmonious voices. Roughly twenty seconds into the demo, there is a dramatic shift that announces Myrkur’s black metal style. This second ‘intro’ of drums and guitars drown out the harmonious voices, as Myrkur’s screaming lyrics pierce through the melody. As the song continues, a second shift occurs where the drums noticeably cut the tempo in half as the up-beat metal begins to slow down. Myrkur takes an opportunity to marry both the sounds of the harmonious voices and the heavy metal of the drums and guitars, creating yet another feel to the song.

In addition to the release of this new demo, Myrkur has confirmed her first live performance at the Roskilde festival. Also, on Wednesday, December 3, she will be hosting a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ starting at 6pm EST. Myrkur’s demo for “Skaði” can be listened to below. Additional updates and information on Myrkur can be found on her website.

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