Aphex Twin Talks About His Views On The 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks

Aphex Twin confirms his belief that the 9/11 attacks were “absolutely” an inside job in a freeform interview.

The pioneering electronic artist Aphex Twin, whose real name is Richard D. James, has been promoting his newly released album called Syro, has confirmed his beliefs on the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, which were previously in rather gray area. During an interview, he stated and extrapolated his belief that the attacks were an inside job; as you read it below, you’ll find the belief comes from a much wider attitude concerning the credibility of mass media, and its affiliations with questionable politics and the labeling and control of society and human behavior, which he calls a “strangle hold”. The following abstract includes no substantial justification for the reason that he has crystallized his point of view, and is sure of the farce, rather it is more concerned with seemingly using the 9/11 attacks as an example of the control and manipulation the media system has wrought on human kind, as more and more people fall subject to its snare. Fans and the public were previously unsure of Aphex Twin’s position, as he had previously seemed on the fence about it. Recently, however, he has stated that YouTube Documentaries have affirmed his position. James is known for his antics and ability to incite the press. Below is a transcript of the abstract, from Stereogum:

dave: is there anything particular u wanna say to your fans about this album that u haven;t said in other interviews?

rich: i didnt really feel like i said anyfink of note in recent interviews I’ve just done as was still in a bit of a regretamin hole, no sleep…also like we were saying before, journo’s tend to write their articles before they have even talked to you and you get the impression with a lot of them that you don’t need to be there at all.
hopefully this will b diff though
be good if people could wake up quicker and realise what is actually going on in the world, how people are being controlled, well nobody is actually in total control nobody ever will be , life is too chaotic but there are lot’s of people trying and doing pretty well at the moment and the majority of people are falling for it.
I keep forgetting that most people are totally friggin oblivious to how they are being programmed& controlled from birth upwards from your name, being a ’citizen’ which basically enters you into a contract, it goes on from there.
Recently when some journo’s were saying ’so you actually believe 9/11 was an inside job’ , attempting to paint picture of me bein a crackpot , [yawn] I was totally shocked, they were intelligent people but still they didnt get it, just popularist, pandering to what they think will be popular, instead of thinking for themselves and expressing their own opinions.
Im really, really sorry to all folks who might be reading this but if you believe the ridiculous story that is being pedaled about 9/11 from the mainstream media then you are absolutely gullible, some very clever people are also very naive and very gullible, they are not nasty people but very trusting and theyre good nature is being taken advantage of. Not believing the mainstream media is very hard for some folk who have put their trust and faith in the state and press, breaking that faith will not be an easy process for many.
Some people just see through bullshit very effortlessly and can easily tell when people are lying, others it seems can’t , that in itself is an area im interested in.
When I first watched footage of 9/11, I was around this geezers house in London , he is a real geezer n all , I was buying old jungle records , he had this massive widescreen tv in his flat which was too big for the room, classic and as soon as we watched the twin towers being struck ,he said really matter of factly , they just did it to themselves and I was like thank fuk for that, people are not THAT gullible.
Also dark funny moment was they@gmail.com kept playing the footage over and over again of the buildings going down and then at 1point they played the film backwards by mistake and the building went back up again, we had to laugh…when things are so dark, you have to laugh sometimes, those poor people and their families…one day justice will be done.
Anyway yeah 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg isnt it but how do you break this strangle hold on humanity, well you have to start somewhere to break the illusion and 9/11 is a pretty big weakpoint in the illusion but still so many are fooled… we live in hope.

people can be made aware of these things ,covertly with music though anyhow, so I don’t need to say much more.

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