CMJ brought Adult Jazz to the Rough Trade for an afternoon of trippy, electronic, instrumental music.
Discussions went on throughout the day like “Curation & Aggregation in Entertainment,” in which panelist discussed certain narratives to give a better understanding in the proper way of sharing music online. Besides this, the talk of the day was about Adult Jazz, who performed at the Rough Trade in the afternoon.
Although it was around lunch time, which didn’t seem to matter much, a lot of people still showed up to support their expressive, electronica-infused music. The only time there was hardly anyone at one of the showcases was when the band, Raccoon Fighter, was performing at the Living Room today in Brooklyn.
If someone could describe what Adult Jazz is like, they can easily do so by directing them to popular music by James Blake, as both artists have similar vibes. The show was good but it could have been better if they had more songs with drum lines in them. Other than that, Jazz played a good show. One of the most unique parts about it was how all the band members play more than one instrument and switch with each other on stage. Sometimes the drummer and the bass guitarist would trade places during a song and still sound inevitably well. Even frontman Harry Burgess would transition from one instrument to another, depending upon the song they were playing. It was overall an interesting show.
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day One Part One
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day One Part Two
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day Two Part One
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day Two Part Two
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day Three Part One
Read mxdwn’s coverage of CMJ 2014 Day Three Part Two

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