GWAR Introduces Their New Singer Vulvatron

Vulvatron is a bit of a departure from the band’s usual all-dude lineup. She’s their first female member since backup singer Slymenstra Hymen left in 2000.gwargwar

Following the sudden death of singer Dave Brockie from heroin overdose on March 23, 2014, GWAR’s lineup was up in the air, and fans were left wondering who would take the horror king’s bloody throne. After months of searching, they found their answer. Brockie, who went by the stage name Oderus Urungus, was replaced by Michael Bishop this summer, who goes by the moniker Blothar.

It appears Blothar isn’t the only new addition to this loving, gorey family.

Vulvatron, whose regular-person name is Kim Dylla, fits right in with the rest of the crew. Even though her costume seems shiny and new (well, other than it being drenched in the fake blood of Courtney Love), she’s certainly earned her stripes. Dylla first performed alongside GWAR with her band Kung Fu Dykes in 2013 for their barbecue festival.

What sets Vulvatron apart from previous female GWAR members is her command of the stage. She’s not a prop or an afterthought. In fact, she’d probably rip your throat out with her teeth for even suggesting it. Instead, she stands right next to Blothar bashing in the fake gelatinous heads of irritating celebrities everywhere.

In a Facebook photo on her page, her costume is, well, see for yourself:

No one ever accused GWAR of being boring.

If it seems like the costume is a bit cheeky, you haven’t seen the rest of the crew. GWAR is as famous for its literal showers of fake blood as they are for their platform boots and bottom-less armor. Her outfit is downright tame compared to the plastic loin cloth a few past members have worn on stage.

In her other life, Dylla is a musician and clothing designer, but in this role she is an intimidating monstrosity. In GWAR’s universe, this is the highest compliment.

GWAR cannot replace the legend of Oderus Urungus. His clawed rubber prosthetic feet are simply too big to fill. They needed two ferocious singers to rule in his stead, and it looks like Vulvatron and Blothar are up to the task.

The group announced they would not give up the search for their GWARious leader. The band is going on tour this fall, calling it The GWAR Eternal Tour 2014.

While the band always has their tongue firmly in cheek, in a rare serious moment, bass tech Jamison Land said, “[Dave Brockie] made GWAR fans feel special on a personal level. The fans love Dave as much as we do and ‘The GWAR Eternal Tour 2014’ is our way of getting together and sharing that love.”

They will be joined on tour with metal titans Corrosion of Conformity. Fans can check out Vulvatron for the first time as she rams swords through the skulls of dozens of Nazis.

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