WATCH: Primus Releases Cover of Willy Wonka’s “Golden Ticket” And Tool’s “Aenema”

With Primus & The Chocolate Factory coming out next month, alt-rock/prog-funk band Primus has just released two covers.


Primus releases Primus & The Chocolate Factory on October 21. And yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like: an album that’s a tribute to the old Willy Wonka film. The music is just as wonky as you’d like. Primus is a Bay Area progressive-funk band with a wonderfully odd style. Their last project was described by bassist Les Claypool as “early Peter Gabriel meets Dark Side of the Moon meets the Residents.”

“Golden Ticket” is certainly up that alley. It’s got a sound that makes me think of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland in addition to the bizarreness of Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka.

The video of “Aenema” is a live cover, where you can barely make out Les’ voice over the audience singing along. It has giant spacesuits with giant faces, so you definitely want to give it a look and a listen. Check out the short video and the Wonka song below.

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