WATCH: Jack White Performs “The Same Boy You’ve Always Known”

La Blogotheque, a French-language website that focuses on music, premiered a unique Take Away Show performance by American rocker Jack White.


White’s performance was filmed at the Chapelle Saint-Saturnin. Chapelle Saint-Saturnin is located at the Château de Fontainebleau, an estate that once housed French royalty, and is now a prominent historic site. The Château de Fontainebleau is located some 55kms outside of Paris.

At the taping, inside the chapel, White performed an acoustic version of The White Stripes classic “The Same Boy You’ve Always Known” from their album, White Blood Cells. Then, he ventured outside to perform a more recent track called, “Entitlement”, which can be found on Lazaretto. And, on this French adventure, White was accompanied by the following musicians: Lillie Mae Rische on violin, Dominic Davis on upright bass, and Fats Kaplin on mandolin.

The videographers managed to transport viewers from around the world into the chapel and the surrounding estate by a series of shots that highlight the architecture, intercut with shots of White playing guitar as he wanders throughout the stairways and halls of the building, before he joins the supporting musicians in a large open well-lit room.

Check it out:

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