LISTEN: Captain Murphy Releases New Track “Cosplay”

Flying Lotus recently released new song Cosplay that features cartoon alter-ego CAPTAIN MURPHY. Adult Swim introduces this alter-ego as an urban legend in a short four minute video, as a gang of adolescents try to explain the birth of the mysterious fictional character.

photo credit is Marv Watsonphoto credit is Marv Watson

photo credit is Marv Watson

Flying “Captain Murphy” Lotus is considered one of the electronic heavyweights in the music industry. He is popular for his eclectic style which makes it a lot harder to explain what genre he fits in. He recently released a video for the song “Phantasm.” He announced in July the release of new album Your Dead! for October. He also appeared at the Electric Forest Festival in June.

In his new song, the psychedelic hip hop tripping beat makes this track really interesting to listen to. Flying Lotus displays his unique style in a dynamic way. According to Pitchfork, “when Flying Lotus raps, he does so as his ghostly, cartoon alter-ego Captain Murphy. That character – who appears on 2012’s Duality mixtape and on Flying Lotus’ upcoming album, You’re Dead! – recently got a backstory.”

The four minute and 30 second video of Adult Swim shows a young cartoon character describing his frequent encounters with a “giant dude with a giant beard” named Captain Murphy, but no one knows where he comes from. The ‘ancient god’ story goes like this: the union of a volcano and the tentacle of a mysterious monster birthed baby Captain Murphy who later grew to be a brutal Barbarian warlord. Another story suggests that Captain Murphy came from an unusual place from outer space. Yet, another story, claims Captain Murphy has some sort of mystical eastern power that allows him to have an unmerciful strength. But later in the video, something terrible happens, when the Captain actually appears to the group of misbehaving adolescents.

Check out the video yourself and see how eerie adult swim can get when talking about Captain Murphy:

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