WATCH: Death From Above 1979 Release “Government Trash”

Death From Above 1979 played Thursday night at Troubadour in Los Angeles and gave all their fans that attended a sneak-peak of their new album.


According to Antiquiet, the duo played small show in effort to launch their upcoming full length album The Physical World. The duo also released a new song in July Trainwreck 1979 to debut the new album. The album was announced to be released in September via Last Gang Records/Warner Bros Records.

At the end of the show Thursday night, the band gave all their fans a CD with the new song Government Trash. The track burns through your chest with thrashing drums and hardcore guitar riffs. The vocals are amazing, as singer Sebastien Grainger, records with a tremendous amount of energy and love for his music. He graces the record with soft and full vocals for the verses and then loud banging vocals for the choruses. He displays strong vocal control, as the band coordinates a well-rounded sound with bass, drums, electric guitar, and very intricate details of electronic sounds.

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