Josh Eustis Releases New Album “Move To Pain” As Sons Of Magdalene

Formally of the American electronic music act Telefon Tel Aviv, and as part of the most recent lineups of Puscifur and Nine Inch Nails live performances, Joshua Eustis released a new album under the name Sons of Magdelene.


Sons of Magdelene album, Move to Pain, plays out like an Electro pop soundtrack, featuring layered synth patterns over 808 sequenced drum loops, and softly, full, vocal tracks by Eustis and Ashley Klich. Reminiscent of Mick Smiley’s, “I Believe It’s Magic” from the Ghostbusters soundtrack, “The Whip” displays a fluttering bassline, over a hip hop feeling drum beat, surrounded by whispery vocals.

Other songs such as the title track “Move To Pain” and “Can’t Won’t Don’t Want To” are driven by 80’s claps and cowbells, which bring you back to a much simpler time.

Much more experimental on songs like the hard thumping “Crows On The Eaves Of My Father”, the rhythm is driven by a stuttering vocal sample, which leads into a hypnotic vocal arrangement. Songs such as “O, Death” and “A Strange Sound” are similarly produced, but with much softer, more faint vocal tracks.

Rounding off the album are instrumental songs like “Bitter Soliloquy” and “Unfortunate Phone Call” that seem to be scene breaks between act’s, sounding almost hand plucked, straight out of a John Hughes film.

The full album Move To Pain is currently available on Bandcamp, features 9 full length songs, and can be either listened to below or downloaded for $14 directly through Bandcamp.

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