Wu-Tang Clan Offered $5 Million For One-Of-A-Kind Album

As we reported last week, Wu Tang Clan is releasing an album that will endowed to one person. The album will be sold to the highest bidder in an attempt to treat music as the art that it is. Read more on the details after the jump.


Once Upon a Time in Shaolin has been in the works for five years and only now is the Wu Tang Clan ready to release it. The album is meant to be a reminder that music is art. It’s the heart and soul of those who make it (and take it seriously). The picture above shows the silver and nickel, hand-carved box in which the album will be encased, showing that every part of this album is elaborate and intentional.

Since the announcement of Wu-Tang Clan’s plan, emails have been pouring in to them and their team. Offers have come from family, friends and strangers. Offers have been high, ranging up to 2 million and 5 million dollars. So far, 5 million has been the highest bid, but there has been no information on who this bidder is. The announcement was only made last week, so bids are likely to keep coming in higher and higher numbers.

The Clan is pleased that the public is giving such positive feedback since they admitted that their historic, one-album move was risky. They are feeling good about people’s reactions and are encouraged that some are willing to shell out price tags worthy of one-of-a-kind artwork.

More updates will come once a bid is accepted. Keep checking in with us!

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