Destrage – Are You Kidding Me? No.


Destrage, Italy’s newest export, is proving once again that its not just pasta and wine they do well. It must be in the water, since this record and others like it from The Boot are continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible in the metal genre. On their third full length release Are You Kidding Me? No, Destrage pulls out all the stops. Everything is thrown into the musical stew and stirred up for a groundbreaking release.

From the moment you push play you are ushered into an absolute shred fest. The album’s opener, “Destroy Create Transform Sublimate,” has guitarist Ralph Salati and his counterpart Matteo Di Gioia putting on a clinic. Together they make the complicated seem effortless and adding tasteful guitar solos all the while keeping the songs together, a feat not normally accomplished in the genre these days.

“Purania” places the prog influence front and center. It has a punk feel, with a very hook-laden chorus. These guys know how to keep you listening. At every turn the changes seem to make sense, but are far flung from the style of metal. Each song on this record has some kind of crazy jazz break or musical section that seems to fall apart, but then Destrange brings you right back, aching for more.

The vocal work on this record is also incredible. Nowhere is that more apparent than on the song “My Green Neighbor.” Vocalist Paolo Colavolpe puts in the work here. Going from guttural brutality to full on singing, he nails it. Even the lyrics on this tune, an ode to zombies, is perfect.

The energy on this record is just as impressive. You can tell they enjoy what they do, and don’t take themselves too seriously at the same time. Frenetic song changes that jump from genre to genre are in this band’s wheel house, all the while never being frightened of writing choruses that you’ll be humming in our shower for days on end. Are You Kidding Me? No. is a bonkers record, one that you need to hear immediately. This is what the future of metal can look like.

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