R.I.P Joey LaCaze of Eyehategod

Founder and drummer of New Orleans sludge metal band Eyehategod, Joey LaCaze, was found dead at age 42 after returning from a European tour.


Having formed Eyehategod in 1988 along with guitarist Jimmy Bower, Joey LaCaze had a prosperous career in the metal scene. Sadly, he died after a European tour due to “unspecified causes.” Eyehategod had a number of successful albums, including In the Name of Suffering, Take As Needed For Pain, Dopesick, and Confederacy of Ruined Lives. The band had released a single in 2012, with plans to release a full length album in the works. No word on if they will continue with the release. Joey also drummed for the band Outlaw Order, which was a side project of members of Eyehategod with the exception of Jimmy Bower.

Along with leaving behind bandmates and friends, Joey is survived by his wife and child and a legacy that will be hard to kill. Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe had this to say on Instagram:

Rest in peace, Joey Lacaze, drummer of EYEHATEGOD, who died this afternoon down in Louisiana. Joey posted this picture (probably from ’94 or ’95) a few months ago- EYEHATEGOD used to stay with me when they were in RVA- they were amazing to watch, & will always be one of my favorite bands of all time- we became friends & I would always throw it down for them when they came to stay. Joey is all the way to the left in the picture, next to Bower. He was a funny, funny, man & I’m so sorry he’s gone. I hope you are at peace, bro.

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