WATCH: Revolution Harmony Releases Video for New Charity Single “We Are” Featuring Serj Tankian, Devin Townsend, Ihsahn, and More

Thought up by British journalist and lecturer, Ray Holroyd, Revolution Harmony is a melting pot of musical talent. Revolution Harmony has released a new charity single titled, “We Are”, that includes features from Serj Tankian, Ihsahn, and Devin Townsend. There was a vast amount of musical input and contributions, which makes it a charity classic.

Revolution Harmony made its world debut in 2011, after three years of growth and establishment. With the purpose helping musicians and those in need, it became a catalyst to a modern form of charity. Through Revolution Harmony, musicians are able to make profit for themselves, as well as help others around the world. What is better than helping people while doing something you love?

Revolution Harmony’s main concept is basically one that revolves around music inspiring others to be harmonious in life and society. This was reflected on “We Are”, as the track has so much meaning and motivation behind it. It was dedicated to Nelson Mandela, as it was released worldwide on July 18th, also known as Mandela Day. It was also dedicated to the memory of Lucky Dube. All of the profits from this single will be donated to a charity called Buskaid, which helps children in South Africa by providing them with free music lessons and instruments.

“We Are”, was produced in Vancouver by Ray Holroyd, but recorded in England, Norway, New Zealand, and across North America. It includes vocals from Serj Tankian of System of a Down, Ihsahn of Emperor, and IK singer, Abbie Johnson. It also inclludes guitar solos by Devin Townsend, and guitar contributions from Stefan Loh of We Claimed Sentience Once. It was also mixed in London by Rohan Onraet of Slipknot and Machinge dead, and mastered by Ted Jensen of Green Day and Muse in New York.

This international phenomenon was the product child of many talented and experienced musicians whom have all combined their minds to create a movement- empathy through music.

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