LISTEN: The Dismemberment Plan Release New Song via Phone Number 252-64-DPLAN

Indie rock group The Dismemberment Plan has released its first new song in 12 years in a rather unconventional way.


The Washington, D.C., based band put out a telephone number for fans to call to hear the new track, “Waiting.” To hear the song, dial 252-64-DPLAN. It will appear on their next album, Uncanney Valley, which is due to be released October 15. This album will be The Dismemberment Plan’s first new one since 2001.

The song begins with an orchestral intro, and then suddenly switches to an electronic beat. Lead vocalist Travis Morrison keeps up the pace with fast-flowing lyrics over the electronic-rock tune. The song ends almost as abruptly as it starts, with Morrison bellowing out the last lyrics in a style different from most of the rest of the song. It’s worth checking out for those interested in indie rock and electronic music, and people looking for something fresh.

Anyone who wants a listen can also stream the track on SoundCloud:

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