*NSFW* Mos Def Undergoes Force Feeding In Guantanamo Bay Protest

Well-known rapper Mos Def has taken a stand and made a courageous move to bring the force feeding ritual at Guantanamo Bay to all audiences.
Mos Def - Force FeedingMos Def - Force Feeding
Volunteering his time, mind, body, and strength, Yesiin Bey aka Mos Def stepped forward to perform a mock scenario of the painful and abusive process that takes place when feeding through a tube. This act is used frequently on the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

120 Guantanamo Bay prisoners are currently on hunger strike since February protesting their imprisonment without a trial or relevant charges. With no formal charges against them, several of these prisoners have been cleared for release from the US Government however, they remain in detention.

Authorities have now begun the procedure of force feedings overnight with no respect for the Islamic holiday of Ramadan which begins today despite Islamic leaders’ plea to abstain from these horrific actions.

The process of force feeding is also called enteral feeding. It involves a long plastic tube which is inserted through the nose and then directly into the stomach.

Please take heed of the warning before watching the video. It does contain disturbing graphics which you may find distressing.

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