New Music Alert: SISU Release New Video for Song “Two Thousand Hands”

Dum Dum Girls’ Sandra Vu is pursuing another project, a band called SISU who formed in Los Angeles and who have a full-length album in the works and a tour with Dirty Beaches awaiting them this fall. In the meantime, the clean, nostalgic, guitar-based shoegaze can be heard in a new video which has been released for the SISU track “Two Thousand Hands.”


SISU has always been Vu’s side project, which she assembled almost entirely on her own, even while drumming in other LA-based bands Dum Dum Girls and Midnight Movies; Vu handles every imaginable aspect of the recording process of SISU songs, including guitar, vocals, and even mic placement in the recording studio. Indeed, the word “sisu” means “extreme perseverance” in Finnish. Highly appropriate.

Recently, feeling abandoned and disillusioned after a breakup with both one of her bands, and a long-time boyfriend, Vu threw herself into her beloved pet project and decided to work more passionately on SISU, which began not as an intentional band but a desperate, fairly organic form of self-expression that she could use when not associated with her other groups. Her hard work has paid off; the debut full-length is currently going through the final stages of production and will be released in the fall on Mono Prism.

More details will come soon regarding the album, but in the meantime, check out the surreal and beautiful video for “Two Thousand Hands,” an opaque and haunting track from SISU’s Light Eyes EP, which came out earlier this year.

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