Boards of Canada Reveal New Album Title Tomorrow’s Harvest out June 11th

After much suspense, Boards of Canada’s long awaited new album Tomorrow’s Harvest will be finally out on June 11, 2013 in North America via Warp Records. This is their first release since 2005’s The Campfire Headphase.

The news comes after a week following a mysterious 12 inch single found on Record Store Day in New York City and London, which later led to an Internet scavenger hunt in search of numbers filling the 36-digit sequence. Those numbers were found on couple YouTube videos, radio shows on the BBC and NPR, the source code of a message board banner, and a commercial aired on Cartoon Network. Watch the video below.

They revealed the details on their brand new website, where upon inputting the 36 digit mysterious sequence as the password (699742628315717228936557813386519225), a video appeared revealing the album title with release date, the 17-track listing and the artwork.

boards of canada - tomorrows harvestboards of canada - tomorrows harvest

The track listing is as follows:

Boards of Canada
‘Tomorrow’s Harvest’

01. Gemini
02. Reach For The Dead
03. White Cyclosa
04. Jacquard Causeway
05. Telepath
06. Cold Earth
07. Transmisiones Ferox
08. Sick Times
09. Collapse
10. Palace Posy
11. Split Your Infinities
12. Uritual
13. Nothing Is Real
14. Sundown
15. New Seeds
16. Come To Dust
17. Semena Mertvykh

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