Holy Wave – Evil Hits


Modern Psychedelia That Still Pays Homage

Holy Wave, an Austin, Texas based 5-piece, brings back the spirit of ’60s surf psychedelia with their new album, Evil Hits. One part My Bloody Valentine, one part Pink Floyd, the band expertly creates a mellow listening experience.

Evil Hits offers up 10 tracks that seamlessly flow together – which is impressive because five of the tracks come from their 2011 LP Knife Hits and the remaining five come from their 2012 offering The Evil Has Landed. The end result is a sound like something off the soundtrack for the latest Cohen brothers movie or the background to any musically discerning stoner’s smoking den.

Opening track, “Best Friends,” sets an eerie mood with malevolent guitar whines juxtaposed with background reverb that sounds like circling birds of prey overhead. This song would be right at home in a David Lynch film. “Best Friends” is immediately followed by the more upbeat “Brahman” and album standout, “Arab Spring.” This track is a luscious tapestry of harmonies interwoven with sweeping vocals. It perfectly encapsulates the raw emotion its namesake evokes. The percussive focus on “Gris” brings more rock into the fold before rounding out the rest of the album with more starry eyed shoegaze.

Holy Wave toys with a similar musical ambiance to that of My Bloody Valentine – pulsing guitars with melodic layers and sweeping vocals. Evil Hits is a strong offering of modern psychedelia that still pays homage to its forebears.

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