Trent Reznor Announces Nine Inch Nails Compilation Will Include Two New Songs, Reveals Music Streaming Collaboration Project With Dr. Dre’s Beats By Dre Named Daisy

Trent Reznor has announced there will be new Nine Inch Nails material and revealed details of “Daisy” the music streaming service he created with Dr. Dre. Read more for details.

Trent rexnorTrent rexnor

Trent Reznor is one of those musicians who is always busy and making headlines. Recently he has released An Omen_ EP from his How to Destroy Angels_ project, recorded the theme song for Call of Duty: Black Ops II and made headlines by returning to Columbia Records. He has now revealed two more major projects he is working on.
First, Reznor has announced there will be more Nine Inch Nails material. Pitchfork reports in 2014 Interscope Records will release career spanning greatest hits compilation from Nine Inch Nails which will include two new songs. A full length return album will follow. Reznor has been hinting about bringing back Nine Inch Nails for some time and now it actually seems like it will happen.

The other announcement Reznor made is that he is developing a music streaming service with Dr. Dre’s Beats. Reznor has been hinting on Facebook about working with Beats and now Rolling Stone reports the music streaming service will be called Daisy. Reznor said it will sort through songs in a user friendly environment different from other streaming sources and that it “uses mathematics to offer suggestions to the listener.” He compared Daisy to directly Spotify stating:

“Here’s sixteen million licensed pieces of music,’ they’ve said, but you’re not stumbling into anything. What’s missing is a service that adds a layer of intelligent curation.”

Daisy is expecting an early 2013 release.

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