Our Vinyl Weighs a Ton (This Is Stones Throw Records) is a documentary about the underground rap label, rooted in Los Angeles, Stones Throw.
As reported by Pitchfork, the documentary is being written and produced by filmmaker Jeff Broadway. The original score will be composed courtesy of Madlib, who has released many albums of his own through Stones Throw. In support of the film, Broadway launched a Kickstarter campaign raising money for the production of this film with a goal of reaching $35,000 by November 29th. The group is currently more than half way done and hopeful for many more donations. As an incentive for fans and donators, the band will kick in new recordings from Stones Throw artists, some label classics, Madlib’s original music, and the film as part of a 2-Disc DVD/CD Collector’s Edition Box Set to anyone who makes a $50 or more donation.

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