Santigold Live at The Fader Fort SXSW

Remember all the excitement at the coming of M.I.A.’s third Maya? Remember how it seemed she was destined to becomes a bonafide superstar? Remember than also how she immediately did a series of embarrasing (and occasionally fully aborted) shows depicting her as having completely forgotten how to perform? Yup. Well the good news is, Santigold has the goods, bizarre style and criminal flow that speak to her being an icon rather than begging for it. The crow of hipster elite at The Fader Fort was fully enraptured within moments of her hitting the stage. It’s hard to say where the instrummentation ends and the samples begin, but it really doesn’t matter. Just like the crown she adorned in timely fashion throughout her performance, she’s the new queen hip-hop dance.




Raymond Flotat: Editor-in-Chief / Founder || Raymond Flotat founded in 2001 while attending University of the Arts in Philadelphia while pursuing a B.F.A. in Multimedia. Over his career he has worked in variety of roles at companies such as and Ticketmaster. He has written literally hundreds of pieces of entertainment journalism throughout his career. He has also spoken at the annual SXSW Music and Arts Festival. When not mining the Internet for the finest and most exciting art in music, movies, games and television content he dabbles in LAMP-stack programming. Originally hailing from Connecticut, he currently resides in Los Angeles.
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