The electronic Portishead are coming to North America for their latest tour but have no new album to promote. Third, their latest work, was released in 2008. Geoff Barrow told Spinner that the band does plan to write some new music after concluding their tour.
“Hopefully, it will go okay and we can release another record,” Barrow said. “It’s never easy to write music for us, it’s incredibly difficult. I find it a lot easier to write for other things. But there is this pressure with Portishead and it’s really not about our success — it’s just what Portishead means, I suppose.”
Barrow felt that a lot of ideas were used on Third, so it will take some searching to get inspiration.
“We used a lot of ideas on Third, and that took a long time to create,” Barrow said. “It’s actually really difficult because I’ve got a short amount of time now to find these spaces and these kinds of calculations, basically, to make things interesting.”

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