Odd Present, Odd Future
Finally, a refreshingly vulgar album that speaks volumes! Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA or just Odd Future for short) are a rowdy group of teenagers from Los Angeles that have simultaneously caused an uproar in the media and created a faithful following. They draw controversy with their blunt, sometimes graphic lyrics, and they are unapologetic about any vulgarity or profanity that is freely tossed around in their music. Goblin, the newest album from the group’s most prominent member, is bold, passionate and full of angst and honesty.
In the song “Radical,” Tyler urges listeners to “Kill people, burn shit, fuck school!” Obviously, that isn’t the greatest advice to take to heart, but at some point in your life, you probably have had at least one of those feelings. Music does not always have to be taken so literally, and although it might make some uneasy and may not be every one’s cup of tea, there is a place for it in our society. Ironically, Tyler and the rest of Odd Future’s unruly, chaotic exterior is fairly predictable at this point. The shock value has subsided because the youth are always in revolt.
Nonetheless, he and they are gifted and entitled to have a perspective on life. If you can look past all of the profanity and outlandish scenarios, and dig deeper than the surface, Tyler, the Creator is a vivid storyteller with a gift for making metaphors. This whole group is most definitely one to watch.

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