Coheed and Cambria live at Club Nokia

Coheed & Cambria wrapped up their American tour in Los Angeles playing their debut record, the Second Stage Turbine Blade, in its entirety on it’s 10th anniversary, at LA’s Club Nokia. The evening started with a 45 minute-long acoustic set, and no support act, so this really was about paying homage to the band’s fans. The crowd was treated to 8 stripped-down versions of some of the band’s quieter moments, including “Mother Superior,” “Wake Up,” and a cover of “Who Watches The Watchmen,” by lead singer Claudio Sanchez’s other band, The Prize Fighter Inferno.

The main portion of the evening was devoted to playing the aforementioned debut record, before moving on to a 5 song encore encompassing some of the band’s most revered moments, including “Far,” “No World For Tomorrow” and fan-favourite “Welcome Home,” which was received with riotous applause. A second encore, consisting merely of an acoustic version of “Elf Tower New Mexico,” wrapped up the epic evening, and the band’s current live stint.



Photos by Marv Watson.

marv watson: Marv is a freelance photographer and photo editor, from the north of England. Graduating from Teeside University with a Masters in Sport Science, he travelled the world for a number of years before settling in Los Angeles, where he now resides. He shoots portraits, sports and music. He loves his wife, daughter, rabbits, beer and pizza, and detests hipsters, instagram celebrities and popular music.
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