Polyphonic Spree Front Man Begins New Band

Tim DeLaughter, the man behind the Polyphonic Spree has finally announced his new effort, Preteen Zenith.

After hinting about the project months ago, DeLaughter has finally come out with information about the new group he has formed with former band mate from Tripping Daisy, Philip E. Karnats. preteenzenith3preteenzenith3

Lon time friends, the two decided to start the group after DeLaughter’s wife shared music he had written on his own with Karnats who loved the songs so much he approached his friend about putting a group together.

The band’s first show is set for July 23 at the Granada Theater in Dallas as part of the Gorilla vs. Bear festival.

This summer, DeLaughter also plans to re-launch his label, Good Records Recordings, and to unveil new music from Preteen Zenith.

DeLaughter has not given up on The Polyphonic Spree and the band is said to have new music on the way.

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