In an update to story from earlier this month, it seems that the upcoming animated Slave Pit Inc. series “The Blood Vomits,” which features voice talent from members of GWAR, Lamb of God and Municipal Waste, has reached its Kickstarter goal of $5,000 and will go into production.
“Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helped us achieve our goal of funding The Blood Vomits…now I better get on the phone,” tweeted GWAR’s Oderus Urungus.
In true Oderus fashion, however, the GWAR frontman is demanding even more cash.
The funding will reportedly go to repairing the shows puppets, building new puppets, filming a new episode and creating a more polished title credit. With donations open until tomorrow and a total of $6,360 pledged at the time of writing, Slave Pit has surpassed its initial $5,000 goal by nearly $1400.
Voiced by Urungus, Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe and Municipal Waste’s Tony Foresta, “The Blood Vomits” is set in an ultra-violent world and details the exploits of its main characters, Mad Dog, Nails and The Vicar.
Details about the release of “The Blood Vomits’” next episode are forthcoming.
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