Mogwai Will Never Die, Or Will They?
Mogwai are known for pulling no punches. Every studio release since their debut Mogwai Young Team has been truly groundbreaking, often redefining the obscure genre of post rock. The band’s seventh studio album Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will is an exception.
Despite the album’s name, Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will lacks much of the heavy influence expected. Instead, listeners are greeted with flattering soundscapes, heavily doused with images of rolling waterfalls and Technicolor peacocks. It is as if the band have intentionally confused their fan base with an album title that eludes to their metal influences. In fact, it contains some of the most ambient work Mogwai has ever produced.
From a band that has the ability to alter how an entire genre is defined, this album is almost a disappointment. There is no denying the immense talent and musicianship possessed to create such a polished piece of work, but there is nothing that sticks out as being unique within the release.
Maybe this is just an inevitable blip from a band who so often rise to the challenge of amazing their listeners with truly new music. Or maybe it is a sign that the Scottish five-piece are getting old and rusty and unable to keep up with a genre they helped create.

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